Priority -Distribution Centre
Foodbanks, Homeless and any project that alleviates poverty is being done on 7 day a week basis. Night time pickups and distributing ensure continuity of supply. We are looking to set up a foodhub distribution centre. Please read main posts for details. With the difficulties of small pickup windows many charities cannot get to supermarkets when they shut and hence the food is dumped.
The Distribution hub would allow most of the produce left over to come to central point and from there be distributed without the charities having to worry about where they have to be at a certain point and dont miss the cutoff.
We wish to expand operations in aiding local communities. Young and elderly alike and people with special needs. Mapping out a positive future no matter how small a contribution they think they could make see if their ideas can be implemented in our 3 year intro plan. Would be to cover
Future Aspirations
With Scotland’s loss of heavy manufacture , we wish to engage productive use of skill with manual labour – putting back to work those that are disenfranchised. This would be a good hopping on facility to allow those that have been out of work , etc to connect with a real work facility to ease people back into normality and a place to identify an individuals self worth.
Service Vehicle Centre – Social Enterpise
With the Creation of this ambitious project. We wish engage local community by simply bringing in your vehicles for servicing into our Centre. Have your vehicle professionally serviced and valeted knowing that you will be contributing to your community by using our facilities. Each vehicle will be serviced by a mechanic together with apprentices being guided and taught into vehicle repair.
The back office will also be ran as a training ground for back office type work. This includes Marketing, Web Design , Accounting and Customer Services. The Centre envisages to engage companies small and big to use our facilities and in turn aid local community. This will allow companies to take up social responsibilities who may have become successful and can contribute to the local communities allow them to feel a part of something that ‘gives back’ .
Bit like secret millionaires without having to be either. Profits would be put back into expand operations for further development of Stirling Aid and hence benefit the local community. If you can contribute to this effort please get in touch.
Multiskill disciplined Training Centre
- Training Team – Social Enterpise. The training team will be set up for re-equipping skill sets to those that due to their disadvantages and disabilities etc may be restricted
IT Service Centre – Social Enterpise
Similar to the Vehicle side, but this business would be engaged in recycling old technology, repairs upgrade and Sales . Training would be given to encourage a host of skills from Web Design through to Computer Assembly with qualification matched curriculum
Enterprise Modelling Research and Development Team
Creating of an Business Team that will look specifically at Projects that can create financially viable projects locally. That can run on their own merit that can aid Stirling Aid’s Charitable Purposes.