Many thanks to all the staff who took part of Ben Nevis Climb Tesco’s Extra Cumbernauld, Not only did they do a gruelling run few weeks ago but made it back to work the next day ! (well i saw Gillian Riley anyway, covering for all the young ones ! Showing how it’s done !Love the makeup for Halloween -scary😱)
Well over £ 1200 worth of clothing , clothing , nappies, household and blankets were bought for us to distribute .
The lucky recipients are St Enoch Square , Empower Women for Change , Town Destiny Angels Foodbank,, Gorbals Foodbank GCM, Blankets will be heading to Kindness Team George Square
Many thanks to Isaam who volunteered to lift all the heavy items weekly for the St Enoch team , came to give me hand load up! Pick include Christine at Tesco’s and Edna and Amina at Empower Women, Gary at Kindness office London Road with blankets and hats scarves n gloves