Mental Health, Trauma and Accessiblity

Stirling Aid are now working with HStar  HStar provide a healing environment for all women in Scotland aged 16 rebuilding their lives after trauma and abuse. We offer free non-judgmental therapies, advocacy support and counselling available to women in Scotland who’ve experienced distress, isolation caused by trauma or abuse at any point in their lives, […]

George Square Charity – Kindness in Homelessness Group

Continuing our help the Homeless Project, this week in Glasgow. A big Shout out to the Kindness in Homelessness Group, who have been serving Glasgows Homeless community throughout this pandemic. With our Donations we are together and contribute to this cause, Stirling Aid continues to support the homeless and all those in need throughout the […]

Provided 13 Carehomes with Essential PPE During the COVID pandemic local orginisation Stirling Aid run by Zahir Haider and a team of volunteers has stepped up and responded by adapting their services to help local people and organisations. Here Zahir tells of some of the good work they have done.The good people of Stirling have always dug deep into their […]